Recent content by Toxicloon

  1. Toxicloon

    Vape v2.48 out?!?

    I've looked in to the change log and nothing was there about v2.48.
  2. Toxicloon


    Should be easy to add and can be useful in debuff pvp.
  3. Toxicloon

    Vape V2 Anti-vanish

    Manthe, If you made a program to modify the client be for lunching minecraft, and make vape compatible with the changes then it might be possible.
  4. Toxicloon

    Vape V2 Anti-vanish

    I think that Vape V2 should have Anti-vanish, so you can know when staff are watching you. If this becomes a feature you can avoid getting banned/screen shared by using xray or playing with high settings. Think you,