Recent content by togleXD

  1. togleXD

    Togle's Hypixel Vape Settings || UHC || Skywars || Practice || Never Banned || Recording ||

  2. togleXD

    All hypixel vape users:

  3. togleXD

    add rod aimbot on lite

    it's there v3, and it's not exactly "blatant" so why not add it on lite? can't see anything wrong with it :>
  4. togleXD

    Slower scaffold on lite

    tried this on elgot, and i completely agree. it's way too blatant. it should defo be adjustable imo
  5. togleXD

    Togle's Vape Lite Settings - Hypixel || XRAY || Practice || Undectable || UHC

    i still bhop on my 13 star account
  6. togleXD

    Togle's Vape Lite Settings - Hypixel || XRAY || Practice || Undectable || UHC

    Ive used max aim assist idk why u got banend doesn't matter tho idrc
  7. togleXD

    Togle's Vape Lite Settings - Hypixel || XRAY || Practice || Undectable || UHC

    nope i've use aimassist on mmc ef gupwregft9 o3ei9[bh
  8. togleXD

    just use keepsprint bhop and ka that's all u need. you can use the default settings for all and...

    just use keepsprint bhop and ka that's all u need. you can use the default settings for all and will work just fine. maybe increase APS to whatever you want, it works just fine
  9. togleXD

    .... i don't know what to say to this just use keepsprint bhop and ka that's all u need. you can...

    .... i don't know what to say to this just use keepsprint bhop and ka that's all u need. you can use the default settings for all and will work just fine.
  10. togleXD


  11. togleXD

    Togle's Hypixel Vape Settings || UHC || Skywars || Practice || Never Banned || Recording ||

    not all heroes wear capes and yet it's still got 100s of uses
  12. togleXD

    Togle's Hypixel Vape Settings || UHC || Skywars || Practice || Never Banned || Recording ||