Recent content by Stoolas

  1. S

    vape lite settings for MMC.

    its not cuz of bans i just like being able to move while combing more cps=disadvantage
  2. S

    vape lite settings for MMC.

    not a joke fuck didnt do that intentionally
  3. S

    vape lite settings for MMC.

    I use 9-11
  4. S

    Is blockhit in silent aura main/staff safe?

    I mean it cant flag but like if staff are retarded they might ban so like... aa and ac is better anyway but for main use ur fov as angle (max 90 otherwise sus) 12.2-15.5 cps
  5. S

    vape lite settings for MMC.

    clicking is more chill ngl butterflying is stressful sometimes
  6. S

    Leaving / Quitting Forums + MC

    Its not saved im just gonna say smart things now
  7. S

    Leaving / Quitting Forums + MC

    me obv
  8. S

    I mean if u want to marry im down uwu

    I mean if u want to marry im down uwu
  9. S

    pogama called me a cool person

    Manthe left me broken Tuesday, I was through with hoping Wednesday, my empty arms were open Thursday, waiting for love, waiting for love…
  10. S

    hypixel auto

    Cps mod also if you wannas put a lower cps gap between min and max but its mostly for servers like mmc and astral
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    Ban wave also clicker is blatant use 18-22 or 12.2-15.5
  12. S

    Hypixel - 200-220ms

    lmfao no
  13. S

    female dating strategy is finally being sane

    I still feel like a real men (getting a grammarly sponsorship with that one) im a femboy
  14. S

    Leaving / Quitting Forums + MC

    Fuck bro. Actually sad. R.I.P i cant stand out by being a retard cuz there is no normal ppl on the forums left. @pogama tho ig
  15. S

    pogama called me a cool person

    U got banned i got whiped lmao ez ban evade