Recent content by pesoplumafan

  1. P

    rbw ss bypass

    Oh so it bypasses forge? what forge mod/modpack do you use
  2. P

    rbw ss bypass

    mine got caught
  3. P

    rbw ss bypass

  4. P

    Vape Lite getting AC banned on MMC LOL??

    Do you know what the AC limits are? can u ac like 20? and not get banned in ranked
  5. P

    Vape Lite getting AC banned on MMC LOL??

    Do you know what the autoclicker limits are? can u ac like 15-20? and not get banned?
  6. P

    Vape Lite getting AC banned on MMC LOL??

    so any type of reach is cancelled in 2024?
  7. P

    Vape Lite getting AC banned on MMC LOL??

    how is vape lite getting ac banned on mmc, using aim assist ac 11-14 reach 3.07-3.10? and got banned in 1 rankedd game?
  8. P

    Anyone know how to use vape on hoplite

    ^^^^^^^^ bump
  9. P

    Suggestion V4 or Lite?

    i mean, i see lite get detected a lot in echo videos
  10. P

    Suggestion V4 or Lite?

    send me the bypass? pls
  11. P

    Suggestion V4 or Lite?

    does lite even bypass echo