Recent content by nexx9

  1. N

    Using vpn + Vape Lite/v3

    Why IP if its already hwid locked?
  2. N

    [REQUEST] Bedwars and Skywars Settings

    How the frick would they detect break blocks? It just disabled the ac everytime you want to break a block
  3. N

    Hypixel settings (50ms)

    Velocity: 80% horizontal 100% vertical 100% chance Reach: 3.2-3.4/6 AC: 13-18 Aim assist: Speed (hor/ver) 100% (doesn't really matter) reach: 4 fov: your mc fov
  4. N

    Inventory sorter

    Dont necropost
  5. N

    New website look

    The website looks awesome also think it has something to do with V4
  6. N

    Yeah... I did it..

    Was it your first WD ban or were u banned previously? Need to know cause considering cheating with vape lite on my main
  7. N

    Vape lite permament

    Go check
  8. N

    Vape lite permament

    Vape lite permament is out and its for 60$ for anyone that didnt know
  9. N

    Is it ok to play on a migrated account even though my ip is flagged?

    You can risk it or be safe and use a vpn. But if your ip was flagged as a security alert you can just go on their forums and appeal if you have full access to this acc
  10. N

    Reach,Velocity,AimAssist,AutoClicker settings For Hypixel

    AC: 12-19 Reach: 3.4-3.8 (cheating on my main wasnt banned since ages) Velocity (hor): 85% although you can get down to like 75% if you really must Chance: 100% You can use scaffold AimAssist: 100 100 speed, 3.6 reach (this doesnt matter), angle: below 110, usually just use your fov
  11. N

    MMC anticheat

    How is this relevant xd?
  12. N

    MMC anticheat

    Im nopt spreading false information if i havent gotten banned I said he mightve gotten unlucky or was something else i have been using 3.24 misplace with 97% hor velocity and havent gottnen banned since the new season. Its not false
  13. N

    is safewalk safe from watchdog bans?

    You can just use legit scaffold but yes it is safe
  14. N

    MMC anticheat

    I use 3.24 reach misplace with 97% hor. velocity. So it mightve been velocity that got u banned or smth else like auto clicker or u just got unlucky
  15. N

    Hypixel Banwaves?

    Maybe not on hypixel but on other practice servers like mineman or pvpland it is and we are talking about banwaves