Recent content by Master_Nelray

  1. M

    Cant open GUI

    I ended up using an on screen keyboard 💀
  2. M

    Cant open GUI

    please help me I am loosing so many duels
  3. M

    Cant open GUI

  4. M

    Cant open GUI

    I dont have right control thats the issue
  5. M

    Cant open GUI

    ok so i bound the gui to right control on my pc im now on my laptop and dont have a right control tf am i meant to do to open it.
  6. M


    If u specifically want to attack someone then it won’t target some else
  7. M


    Ok so will it be added?
  8. M


    Vape V4 Add a target or opposite of friend feature that ka will prioritise if in range. Also changes the colour of the nametag like friends does.
  9. M


    oh it works perfectly fine on wurst client on
  10. M


    Add a regen hack like what is on Wurst currently for 1.8.9