Recent content by Manthe

  1. Manthe

    vape v5/update soon

    We don't want any blatant users here
  2. Manthe

    Keepsprint suggestion

    That’s a pre existing feature, not something we’d be adding. Big difference there since “new” generally implies safe etc. Besides that we do remove things as needed. Most unsafe things don’t need to be removed though. For example you had a completely detected blatant scaffold, fly modes, and...
  3. Manthe

    Keepsprint suggestion

    When you attack it reduces your speed to 60% of what it was. Keepsprint just keeps it at 100% of what it was. You could keep it to 61%, which is only 1% faster(or whatever). But you can still detect that. Saying that by only reducing it by a slight amount is harder to detect, it's not really...
  4. Manthe

    Keepsprint suggestion

    I don't know why I haven't thought of this. I mean it does get instantly detected on the most popular practice server, regardless of settings. But it's not an autoban yet... so it wouldn't hurt to breathe some life into an incredibly easy to detect module right?
  5. Manthe

    Suggestions format and rules

    Submit suggestions in this format: Making any suggestions for blatant oriented features will result in a forum ban.
  6. Manthe

    Hidden modules

    There is. If within the last 4 years you were somehow mislead into buying it for blatant features - features that have been untouched since 2019 - we can refund you. We don't want blatant users as customers.
  7. Manthe

    Why wouldn’t I?

    Why wouldn’t I?
  8. Manthe

    Keepsprint Customization

    Modules that can be detected no matter what are getting removed eventually, not changed with redundant options.
  9. Manthe

    Silent aura hits not registering at all

    Nope its just reach, works exactly the same as reach.
  10. Manthe

    Is Vape V4 worth in 2024?

    It is a very stupid point I don’t, this is legitimately the only thing I do. You have 9 years worth of updates condensed into what you use, multiple content updates being worked on at a time, with them consistently coming out every few months with background updates done as urgently as needed...
  11. Manthe


  12. Manthe

    There's no screenshares on mmc. If a rogue staff did that they would get demoted. So for now...

    There's no screenshares on mmc. If a rogue staff did that they would get demoted. So for now they are wrong.
  13. Manthe

    Hasn't been done at all in years. Maybe it should start again

    Hasn't been done at all in years. Maybe it should start again
  14. Manthe

    Denied sorry

    Denied sorry
  15. Manthe

    Unlock namechanges on the forums

    No thanks