Recent content by MalocoSchmoco

  1. M

    BAC with vape v4

    there is a client called augustus b4 ( funny legit view) but for 80 bucks its very expensive
  2. M

    BAC with vape v4

    some idiots still think that the blc icon is a lgeit proof and I like the custom mods, that arent available on vapes legit menu
  3. M

    BAC with vape v4

    BAC checks your hardware or smth like that so all injections are bannable ... already tried out ...
  4. M

    I need your Help

    Hey, today I found the BeanerNet but i quite dont understand how its working and what the difference between just the delay and the ping spoof is ...
  5. M


    Hey, yesterday I bought Vape to use it with badlion client... before i injected vape i had like 600-700 fps with 25 chunks but now I have 100-250 . Is my PC to bad or can i change smth in the settins ? PC Specs : GPU: NVIDIA GEFORCE 3070 CPU: i5 9600 K Im sorry for my English ... its not my...
  6. M

    hypixel settings help

    is there any ping spoofer or lagback in vape ?