Recent content by HealthMC

  1. HealthMC

    Feature adding

    Air hop is basically bhopping but not on ground (on air) idk what slowdown on keepsprint does ngl i was sleepy fasteat using that exploit is undetectable but using the exploit vape has is detectable what? pingspoof with specific delays would litterally bypass so well on stuff like grim and u can...
  2. HealthMC

    Feature adding

    Features: (this is gonna be edited alot) 1. AimBackTrack 2. TargetStrafe 3. Air Hop (not ground) 4. Slowdown option in keepsprint 5. Inventory manager 6. Speed bridge delay 7. Glow ESP 8. China hat 9. different hit animations 10. KillInsults (Custom too) 11. ChatBypass 12. hitboxes with raytrace...
  3. HealthMC

    Feature adding

    Here im gonna say a list of modules for vape v4 and its up to the devs if they wanna add them or not
  4. HealthMC

    I think capes would be a cool addition to vape

    devs lazy? mods retarded? Yes. why? idk
  5. HealthMC

    I think capes would be a cool addition to vape

    why is that?
  6. HealthMC

    Does hitbox flag more than reach on MMC/AGC?

    Merryzz made a vid abt beanernet anticheat disabler but i was scared to try it on minemen and so another youtuber called Ahru made a vid using beanernet on 580 and pingspoof with advanced pingspoof and so he said that you can use up to 6.0 block reach with the anticheat disabler BUT it silent...
  7. HealthMC

    What is wrong with my Killaura menu????

    Is there any vape fly for Grim?