Recent content by fl0wxd

  1. fl0wxd


  2. fl0wxd

    Nametag in overlay mode?

    thx for the info
  3. fl0wxd

    Nametag in overlay mode?

    I use it because for me, on lunar client, non overlay mode darkens the screen until I cant see anything at some point. p.s good for screenshare :P
  4. fl0wxd

    Nametag in overlay mode?

    Is it just me or when I use vape lite the overlay mode for nametags doesnt work, while esp does?
  5. fl0wxd

    Vape lite scaffold

    yeah, sorry for confusing yall just ignore it
  6. fl0wxd

    Vape lite scaffold

    When you have scaffold enabled you're holding blocks(whitelist) you cant crouch. Make the crouch available at the time when you hold them.
  7. fl0wxd

    I have bought vape v4...

    That aint gonna work my internet is good enough already and I play 15 ping Europe servers, and hypixel doesnt have one
  8. fl0wxd

    I have bought vape v4...

    Yeah the ping is probably a problem, I'm in Europe :P
  9. fl0wxd


    is astoflo worth it?
  10. fl0wxd

    Vape lite w-tap

  11. fl0wxd

    Vape lite w-tap

    Didn't find it funny
  12. fl0wxd

    Vape lite w-tap

    Any good wtap for hypixel?
  13. fl0wxd

    I'm about to buy vape lite, can it inject into Lunar?

    thank you! I still wanted to make sure that 1.8.9 is working.
  14. fl0wxd

    I have bought vape v4...

    I believe you're the stupid one here who doesn't even read.