Recent content by EveryoneThinksImlegitLol

  1. E

    Mojang Account Migration

    Bro Ill go out of business i wont be able to resell alts that i buy for 0.05$ now Ill only be able to sell full access that has terrible margins
  2. E

    Mojang Account Migration

    Oh that's good cuz then we will have a lot of people who opted out of migration whos accounts we can steal wow saying that out loud is so messed up
  3. E

    Mojang Account Migration

    Need an opinion poll cuz Im an account seller and i wanna know If people think this business will be sustainable long run Lmk what you think Blatant cheating very well might die as NFA and SFA alts wont exist or will become very expensive
  4. E


    at 1.07 maybe but its risky as fuck as it literally sends way more packets
  5. E

    guys im poor
  6. E

  7. E

    Is this a stonks?

    I just sold my main MVP+ lvl 73 network acc with an optifine cape and lvl 12 skywars for 80$ Do you think I made big profit or its just about worth 80$ in todays market?
  8. E

    How do I convince my parents that clicking my fingers on a mouse all day is exercising my fingers?

    If you have some pussy hopefully show her pictures of all the girls you've orgasmed and tell her its because of jitter clicking practice Ez
  9. E

    vape v4 or vape lite

    Oh sheesh my bad and for u Stfu fucking lifeless fuck I have better shit to do than to triple check the feature page go touch some grass and get a life
  10. E

    got banned on minemen with these settings

    why tf would u use velocity on MMC lmao EVEN MOST AUTOCLICKERS dont bypass
  11. E

    vape v4 or vape lite

    depends, vape lite might get annoying on hypixel as it lacks MANY features like legit scaffold etc, whivh unless you play ranked skywars you might want, plus v4 overall has good ghost features EXCEPT yeah no ss bypass, base your decision on weather u wanna bypass ss
  12. E

    A kind request to Manthe and everyone who clicks this. (Please click)

    dude u in 10th grade in india? dont waste time on magic, entrances like JEE, NEET or NID are a much better use of your time
  13. E

    Most dangerous mods to use, on Hypixel?

    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that joke really made me wanna kms