Recent content by DieSturmkatze

  1. DieSturmkatze

    Add Chest Aura to the vape v4

    Ppl can't even click chests these days
  2. DieSturmkatze

    Vape V4 & Lite Endgame Suggestions

    Blatant g: their NoSlow Is absolutely fucked up, it makes you strafe....
  3. DieSturmkatze

    Why does kill aura flag but AC and AA doesnt?

    This could be, because vape killaura (correct me if I'm wrong) has no raycast, raycast checks if your looking at the hitbox of the entity you are attacking and only then attacks. This can have you flagging for hitboxes
  4. DieSturmkatze

    Best minecraft launcher to run VAPE LITE on???

    Search for really high settings, and try something like badlion or forge (i personally prefer badlion
  5. DieSturmkatze

    Cant open clickgui

    On European keyboards, the home key is names pos1
  6. DieSturmkatze

    help with reach

    Hypixel doesn't detect 3.9 and maybe even more
  7. DieSturmkatze


    I loaded the .legit profile in vape V4 and dont know the gui bind, because the client crashed(synced)