Recent content by CodeST

  1. CodeST

    add 1.17+ for vape v4 vape lite

    badlion and lunar on 1.13+ aren't forge and i believe vape doesnt have vanilla support for 1.13+
  2. CodeST

    How to get 80 bobux

    omg negropost im gonna be burned, killed, swallowed
  3. CodeST

    Issue is "Minecraft Is not open Open Minecraft to continue"

    tf ya mean i literally told him what to do
  4. CodeST

    Is 3.4 blatant?

    i really recommend using something like 3.1-3.25 or 3.0-3.2/3.15 if youre playing on stream or something
  5. CodeST

    How to get 80 bobux

    omg same
  6. CodeST

    Issue is "Minecraft Is not open Open Minecraft to continue"

    Simple: - Have lunar fully loaded and in windowed mode - Open vape AS AN ADMIN - Once the error shows up click on the lunar windows and wait - The lunar window title should appear in vape. also dont use cracked vape or shit
  7. CodeST

    invisible character lmao
  8. CodeST

  9. CodeST

    Selling Vape Lite For Cheap

    fuck you nigga, no one is going to fall for this, fuck you
  10. CodeST

    Best LEGIT settings for hypixel? (vape lite)

    title lol