Recent content by Bypassed

  1. Bypassed

    Vape Lite crash on 1.7 Lunar Injection

    Title. Vape Lite crashes my game when injecting to 1.7.10 Lunar Client.
  2. Bypassed

    does fastplace bypass minemen

    If you're well known in com then people will often spec your games so it is likely you get staff-banned if you're well known.
  3. Bypassed

    does fastplace bypass minemen

    I didn't say that their anti-cheat for fly hacks or anything similar is good, but their RMB A/C is actually crazy good, it's one of the best i've seen in a while, you should check it out, it's actually a really interesting log format.
  4. Bypassed

    Where to buy hypixel alts

    I'm going to assume you can find the links to these website by yourself like a big boy. - KingAlts - TheAltening - Now that's for blatant cheating; to my knowledge of you want an alt to closet on or go for a stat alt, just pay the $30 and buy a legit account, you can buy cheat UFA...
  5. Bypassed

    does fastplace bypass minemen

    It's not blatantly obvious unless you're showing off, i'm friends with a large number of staff on MMC and know for a fact they don't have the same type of logs as serves like mcplayhd, so unless you're doing a telly or something blatant, the chances of staff banning you are minimal.
  6. Bypassed

    Hitselect sub-option within Autoclicker module only supported on V4

    Haven't seen that as an option, ill be sure to check when i'm back from the gym, thanks for letting me know.
  7. Bypassed

    Hit Select Feature

    Are you reaching when you do these combos? If so, it could be that hitselect (to my knowledge) doesn't factor in your reach when timing hits.
  8. Bypassed

    Blatant settings for stats alts pls

    Did Seeecret ever get banned for that?
  9. Bypassed

    Safe walk idea hypixel/minemen (recording)

    It bypasses anti-cheat and staff as it isn't a detectable feature, but if you use it blatantly, staff can ban off of suspicion. Although I don't understand why you would want both if you're going to manually shift, just bridge normally or use Legit Scaffold.
  10. Bypassed

    Help Me Choose Between 2

    I highly recommend Vape Lite for closeting as it can bypass a lot of SS, but if you only plan to use it on hypixel and whatnot, you can just use V4 with only closet modules enabled.
  11. Bypassed

    does keepsprint on hypixel flag?

    If you're talking about the Sprint module, then it does not flag as it only emulates you holding down your sprint key. If you're talking about a multi-directional/omni-sprint module then it is noticeable and you will likely be staff banned.
  12. Bypassed

    Bypasses on hypixel pit

    If you use it in moderation and don't use it while eating or shooting, you should be relatively safe.
  13. Bypassed

    is 0.05 hitboxes detectable on hypixel

    0.05 is very small, you can easily go .1 - .15 without noticeability
  14. Bypassed

    How to bypass ss with Vape V4?

    V4 is made for blatant cheating and isn't designed to bypass an SS, if you want to bypass screenshares then Vape Lite is a far better choice. HOWEVER, if the SS'er has a mental disability, it is possible with the right software and guides.
  15. Bypassed

    Hit Select Feature

    Either don't use hitselect or just improve your spacing, the autoclicker has near perfect hit timing if you actually maintain a ~3 block gap at all times.