Recent content by blowsy

  1. blowsy

    Vape V5... (bedrock compatability)

    oh my god that is crazy i cant believe leftboob did this (manthe i love you too)
  2. blowsy

    10k Subscriber Qna

    why won't LeftBoob extend my free vape lite subscription
  3. blowsy


    82 horizontal is semi blatant
  4. blowsy

    minemen club 180ms

    that's the lowest settings i've ever heard
  5. blowsy

    minemen club 180ms

    was testing around with settings on alts and managed to get myself banned with 3.0 - 3.2 and 94 horizontal, any recommendations?
  6. blowsy

    Vape Lite on Lunar Client?

    it's not that simple my man