Vape review


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here are my thoughts on Vape 2.0:

1. Undetectability (vs anticheats): Every module that isn't blatant and that I have the right settings for has bypassed the most advanced anticheats on and off the market including AAC and Spartan. Given you use the proper settings you will only flag about as much as a legit player who is skilled in pvping. 10/10

2. Legitness (vs staff): I very rarely get frozen (screenshared) when using this client, I have been banned a few times though (mostly for autoclicker but I have adjusted the settings a lot and now it very rarely gets me banned). There is a fairly large number of people hackusating me when I play with normal settings however... 9/10. the settings for autoclicker I use are: mincps: 5, maxcps: 13

3. Customization: I'm able to save profiles of everything, I'm able to tweak the settings to be perfect for whatever I want. I can essentially change how the client works, and when I save profiles I will know that they will stay on my account if I ever switched computers (at least I assume). 10/10

4. Bugs and Glitches: There has never been a bug, glitch, or misspelling anywhere in the client. 10/10

5. Vape Community: Basicly like the aimware community except it's minecraft, with a little extra rage. 8.5/10 (some toxicity)

6. Design: Very clean, sleek design; Simple yet unique. 10/10

Overall score: 10/10
100% the most undetectable cheat I have ever come across. It isn't guaranteed to never get you banned for certain, even if you use the right settings, but it can certainly prevent instantly being banned by anticheats/staff. it is so "soft" of a cheat that some of its features could be considered not even cheating at all.


Active Member
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here are my thoughts on Vape 2.0:

1. Undetectability (vs anticheats): Every module that isn't blatant and that I have the right settings for has bypassed the most advanced anticheats on and off the market including AAC and Spartan. Given you use the proper settings you will only flag about as much as a legit player who is skilled in pvping. 10/10

2. Legitness (vs staff): I very rarely get frozen (screenshared) when using this client, I have been banned a few times though (mostly for autoclicker but I have adjusted the settings a lot and now it very rarely gets me banned). There is a fairly large number of people hackusating me when I play with normal settings however... 9/10. the settings for autoclicker I use are: mincps: 5, maxcps: 13

3. Customization: I'm able to save profiles of everything, I'm able to tweak the settings to be perfect for whatever I want. I can essentially change how the client works, and when I save profiles I will know that they will stay on my account if I ever switched computers (at least I assume). 10/10

4. Bugs and Glitches: There has never been a bug, glitch, or misspelling anywhere in the client. 10/10

5. Vape Community: Basicly like the aimware community except it's minecraft, with a little extra rage. 8.5/10 (some toxicity)

6. Design: Very clean, sleek design; Simple yet unique. 10/10

Overall score: 10/10
100% the most undetectable cheat I have ever come across. It isn't guaranteed to never get you banned for certain, even if you use the right settings, but it can certainly prevent instantly being banned by anticheats/staff. it is so "soft" of a cheat that some of its features could be considered not even cheating at all.
Nice duck. Can I suck, fuck, and run the duck over with a truck and my dick?


Active Member
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Back then, i use Jigsaw all the time because it's a free and a really diverse good hack client :) Now i got Vape Lite it's just too good. Lol.
i was gonna say something to you but i won't say anything for fear you might kill yourself.