Vape Lite / v4 Suggestions


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Add an option to click left click once before clicking right click to throw the potion
why? it fixes your head position so you get maximum amount of health possible from that pot

Make it so you can add slots and it would go to that slot and click right click
why? some servers have items in very weird names that can't be written in vape lite

Make it reset your sprint after each hit (by letting go of w and then letting you hold it again)
rather than spamming it, which is detectable and useless
how it would work: you hit someone, it lets go of w and then holds it again immediately, you get another hit, does the same thing, etc this would allow you to deal as much knockback as possible on the opponent.

You can add a percentage, so you can set it pretty low and it would give you a reach hit every now and then making you look less blatant and flag less on the anti-cheat side

and water check (to disable reach if you're in water cuz blatant and detectable af)

and vertical check (if the player is vertically lower than you, the reach won't be activated so it wouldn't look blatant cause if you outreach him, then that's just 100% reach)

Add a delay randomizer so it doesn't look blatant in 3rd/2nd person point of view

Autoclicker: plz

On vape lite the module has a little delay when you stop walking and then walk again, which doesn't happen with normal toggle sprint mod, if you can fix that would be very nice

Anti-bot / ignore naked:

Basically like v3/v4 freecam but it freezes the packets like if you're lagging out and then it teleports you back to your original location before allowing you to send packets again (doesn't freeze the packets the server is sending you though so you can see what other players are doing) it should bypass server side anticheat detections

Note: some of those can work with v4 as well; throwpot & w-tap for example
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wtap and the autoclicker suggestion threads you linked look pretty cool imo
If they add some of the stuff that's in this thread then vape would be like the only client with such features

No other client has good click sounds, it's either generic (the same for everyone) or you record a file and it plays it which is not synced with the ac clicks

No other client has perfect w-tap, fix head position on throwpot yk yk