[V3] closet cheating and blatant


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Closet: faba14f7-8b31-412e-8ed5-02cb7ba5862a
Closet is for when you wanna seem legit. Really subtle but makes me way better than when im legit. The cps makes up for no velocity, (more cps less kb) and also improves hitregistration.
The reach is really subtle since this profile is made for servers with good anticheat, also avoiding to get frozen and getting hackusated. Wins most fights that aren't quickdrops.
plz dont use autowtap andd learn how to do it manually.

Blatant: 1b43dfb4-873c-4d93-aaff-290c3c82c7ad
Basically for servers like velt or faithful, just for fucking around or making combotages or whatever. I get hackusated on most my fights, only got frozen when i began autoclicking 50 cps.