RMB Autoclicker

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Please for the love of god increase the rmb autoclicker cap.
20 Cps as everyone on the forums are saying is equivalent to the "Tick Rate" but for some fucking reason any other clicker except the one w vape v4 i can godbridge forever, breezily forever, moonwalk forever, and like 40 block extension. EVEN WITH FAST PLACE ON 0 BTW it just doesn't work the same.
also fast place makes blocks disappear on hypixel every fucking time I try to bridge, its like 6 blocks in and then they ghost then I mess up the entire fucking game bc the other guy has already matched my bridge and I'm fucked.
there is absolutely no reason to not increase the cap to 30 at least, or you could make a blatant checkbox just for rmb/lmb clicker separately and remove the randomization and increase the cps caps individually.
I also have a strange problem but it might just be me, after saving a config, previous config before saving had a bind set, I then change the bind and save the config. next time i load the config the bind stays the same??? I might be doing something wrong or maybe binds are forever... idfk man.
Dear 10 year old bitchass,

That is an absolutely retarded idea. If you're trying to get banned within seconds go ahead. You seem to want 30 cps, which if your gonna go that blatant you should probably just use safewalk as well. The fact you use vape on hypixel just proves your self stupid. Get sigma if you're cheating on hypixel, its better than getting vape then getting banned. Also its complete bull shit that you said "with every other autoclicker I can godbridge forever" which at that point, you should use that fucking autoclicker. Use a ghost client like whiteout or antic if you really want 30 cps.

Sincerely, Competent Vape User