Questions about HitSelect, ChestSteak and AutoArmor on Hypixel



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Jul '22
Is it worth using HitSelect (active) on hypixel? Does ChestSteal or AutoArmor flag on hypixel? If I use ChestSteal and AutoArmor in example skywars I don't want it to look sus or flag the anti-cheat.
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VapeV4 VapeLite


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Is it worth using HitSelect (active) on hypixel? Does ChestSteal or AutoArmor flag on hypixel? If I use ChestSteal and AutoArmor in example skywars I don't want it to look sus or flag the anti-cheat.
hit select no, that will benefit you more on practice servers, hypixel has too much terrain differences for it to work decent

chest steal & auto armor work with correct settings, I used like 200ms - 250 delay for steal but I would ask @pogama about auto armor
VapeV4 VapeLite


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hit select no, that will benefit you more on practice servers, hypixel has too much terrain differences for it to work decent
that is not how it works blud, considering you have as much gamesense as minecraft bedrock players you shouldnt tell your opinions about things like this

Is it worth using HitSelect (active) on hypixel? Does ChestSteal or AutoArmor flag on hypixel? If I use ChestSteal and AutoArmor in example skywars I don't want it to look sus or flag the anti-cheat.
cheststeal works great, you can use as low as 5-15 delay (you can increase the delay to point where you think it looks legit enough) make sure to enable check in menu, shuffle and best only option.

autoarmor might cause armors being invisible in your pov but it also works, make sure to enable open inventory option and bind it to a key so you dont change armor once you pick it up from ground. you can use 50-70 delay

hitselect active is fine on any chance but if you want to closet, use %20 or %30


Well-Known Member
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May '22
Is it worth using HitSelect (active) on hypixel? Does ChestSteal or AutoArmor flag on hypixel? If I use ChestSteal and AutoArmor in example skywars I don't want it to look sus or flag the anti-cheat.
I don't think hypixel even has checks for chest steal and auto armor so you can use any but use around 60-80.
Also what merryzz said.
VapeV4 VapeLite


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that is not how it works blud, considering you have as much gamesense as minecraft bedrock players you shouldnt tell your opinions about things like this
It is and you don’t know who I am so you’re just making fun of yourself atp