Cheatbreaker dangerous


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Hey all,

I heard a lot of thing about Cheatbreaker and @itsjhalt (fucking pedophile) but I'm now hearing something else...
I'm now seeing people talking about a Bitcoin miners into Cheatbreaker and I don't think people would let itsjhalt using our computer as a miners.
(Also heard that itsjhalt can enable our webcams and then masturbate on kids).
So my question is :
Does Cheatbreaker allow our pc to mine bitcoins ?
Not for me but for my friends as I already deleted Cheatbreaker they are still thinking that cheatbreaker would not ruin their computers.

Ps : @Stealth is there any grammatical mistakes ?


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Everyone is unsure what to do regarding about cheatbreaker untill a developer can decompile the code and figure out if there is a rat/bitcoin miner

Use at your own risk


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I'll just copy paste what I posted somewhere else:

You already should have read the ToS before downloading CB, if you don't care about having your PC screenshot every time the client devs want, then go ahead there's nothing wrong. Let's just say there's no mining thing on CB, you're still allowing them to access some private stuff JUST TO PLAY A BLOCK A GAME; ask yourself, is it really worth it?
I would 100% agree if it was some bank software that allowed you to transfer money or any other RELEVANT stuff, not access my webcam, files, take screenshots, have my access tokens to play on 1 DAMN compatible server.
Jesus just because your favourite YouTube Stimpy or whoever who wants to prove he's legit (when it doesn't matter because there's CB bypasses already, I myself, posses a bypass) uses the client doesn't mean you need use it too, to play on one damn server, O.N.E.

Using CB is up to you (talking in general), use it if you want, delete if you want, after all it's your own decision not other's.

I will personally wait for Archybot's news on his supposed new server or just wait for Zonix release (also with the client) + PvPLounge client is releasing soon


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Vape user
Dec '15
I'll just copy paste what I posted somewhere else:

You already should have read the ToS before downloading CB, if you don't care about having your PC screenshot every time the client devs want, then go ahead there's nothing wrong. Let's just say there's no mining thing on CB, you're still allowing them to access some private stuff JUST TO PLAY A BLOCK A GAME; ask yourself, is it really worth it?
I would 100% agree if it was some bank software that allowed you to transfer money or any other RELEVANT stuff, not access my webcam, files, take screenshots, have my access tokens to play on 1 DAMN compatible server.
Jesus just because your favourite YouTube Stimpy or whoever who wants to prove he's legit (when it doesn't matter because there's CB bypasses already, I myself, posses a bypass) uses the client doesn't mean you need use it too, to play on one damn server, O.N.E.

Using CB is up to you (talking in general), use it if you want, delete if you want, after all it's your own decision not other's.

I will personally wait for Archybot's news on his supposed new server or just wait for Zonix release (also with the client) + PvPLounge client is releasing soon

The Badlion client privacy policy specifically allows for all the same access that everybody is being skeptical about with cb, but nobody seems to care about that. Every single client you mentioned is ran by people who were at some point in time heavily involved with seriously sketchy things; including running ddosing services, publicly doxing people(including peoples SSNs), swatting, paying for massive ddos attacks against competing servers, and a whole lot more that not very many people know about or seem to remember. These things were not done when they were 15 year olds dumb kids who didn't understand what they were doing, they were done by fully grown 20+ year old men only a few years ago or less.

With that being said, even though these are ran by some of the least trustworthy and most hypocritical people I have ever personally met, it's extremely unlikely that any one of these clients will ever consider for a second to do anything malicious with their software. Not because you should have hope in these peoples ability to redeem their honesty, but because it's totally against their self interests to make money. The amount of money you can make from stealing someones information is temporary and minuscule compared to what you can make from selling a service.


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The Badlion client privacy policy specifically allows for all the same access that everybody is being skeptical about with cb, but nobody seems to care about that. Every single client you mentioned is ran by people who were at some point in time heavily involved with seriously sketchy things; including running ddosing services, publicly doxing people(including peoples SSNs), swatting, paying for massive ddos attacks against competing servers, and a whole lot more that not very many people know about or seem to remember. These things were not done when they were 15 year olds dumb kids who didn't understand what they were doing, they were done by fully grown 20+ year old men only a few years ago or less.

With that being said, even though these are ran by some of the least trustworthy and most hypocritical people I have ever personally met, it's extremely unlikely that any one of these clients will ever consider for a second to do anything malicious with their software. Not because you should have hope in these peoples ability to redeem their honesty, but because it's totally against their self interests to make money. The amount of money you can make from stealing someones information is temporary and minuscule compared to what you can make from selling a service.
My thoughts exactly. The whole cheat breaker is malicious + uninstalling cheat breaker thing was just a way of getting views on YouTube.


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On a sidenote, webcams should be covered 24/7, not just because of 1 pedo that popped up but in general


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My thoughts exactly. The whole cheat breaker is malicious + uninstalling cheat breaker thing was just a way of getting views on YouTube.
yeah nobody caught onto that, legit djtasty did that to 'revive his channel' its so sad that he actually made 4 videos because his videos/channel was dead.