
  1. D

    AutoPearl Closet Settings

    Anyone have an auto pearl closet setting? im currently using this config, please let me know if its detectable
  2. J


    Hi everyone wanna try FakeLag/BackTrack as reach is patched by hypixel any suggested settings. My ping is 19-23ms im currently using these settings on my main AimAssist AutoClicker: 12.6-15.5 HitSelect: 20% Mode: Active Reach: 3.0-3.17 Chance 100% Velocity: 80-100...
  3. S

    how can i use configs?

    i know it sounds retarded but im new to vape, is it possible to paste a config from like raindots in my game
  4. bozo

    Semi-blatant settings for Hypixel

    Hi, I recently got back into cheating on Minecraft and I decided to reinstall Vape V4 after hearing about the newly added features. I am not too well versed in what is "meta" or something at the moment, and if anybody knows a good semi-blatant config for vape updated as of 2024 for the newly...
  5. R

    Discussion on Delay

    Is the greater the delay, the harder it is for cheating behavior to be detected by anti cheating/customer service? What I mean is, does a large delay have a masking effect on cheating behavior? (Is this the function of using Fakelag?) Give an example. For example, on Hypixel, the config of...
  6. H

    Wondering what config to use to never get banned

    I bought vape planning to use on my main account and not get banned at all. Currently I'm using very safe settings here is it down below Aim assist: 1.5V 2.5H max angle 130 distance 4 AC right click and left click 12.5-16cps extra+ randomization Scaffold legit mode with 115-230 sneak delay ESP...
  7. E

    Hi guys, I would like to ask how to set my V4 silentaura not to be blocked in hypixel, my latency is 200-250ms

    嗨,大家好,我想问一下如何将我的 V4 silentaura 设置为不被 hypixel 阻塞,我的延迟是 200-250ms,以及如何正确设置 Wtap,在炒作中?在 hypixel 中,我应该使用普通还是 Jumpreset 来获得速度,以及 JUMP 的几率应该是多少?如果你能帮助我,我将不胜感激!!!
  8. E

    Is reach now bannable on hypixel?

    Hi guys, i never played with vape on hypixel and i don't know what settings it need. I am going to use Reach (3.1-3.2), Aimassist (is it bannable?), Autoclicker and legit scaffold (Is it bannable? I WANT TO PLAY LEGIT
  9. Bfyq

    UniversoCraft Config Vape V4

    ---UniversoCraft Config--- In my opinion, this is a good configuration for its Arena pvp mode in the following modes with a rank from 1st to 3rd 1st Combo 2nd Classic 3rd boxing --Combat-- -AimAssist- Aim While on target Strafe increase Horizontal speed = 5 Max angle = 180 Distance = 5...
  10. AubreyBoo


    This is also dumb but is there any settings to make Vape a bit prettier or nicer to use since it feels a little dry compared to other clients who go all in on UI but dont go all in on features and quality but I'm starting to want a prettier client so what settings would you recommend to make it...
  11. L

    Tell me how to set up AutoPeral

    Guys, tell me what the AutoPearl module is used for and what correct settings to set
  12. AubreyBoo

    This is dumb.. but

    Sooo about Grinch Simulator uhh.. I was just wondering if theres any possible way to ESP the gifts since I know search may do it but ive already tried and it couldnt pick up skulls and I do feel like there could be a possible way to ESP the gifts so I can place #1 on the dumbest game mode there...
  13. NahJournzy

    Pit Closet Config

    A while ago I got dogged for cheating while in pit, I can’t remember settings I was using but im back so can anyone give me a good pit config that’s closet and won’t get me banned? also what modules should I completely avoid to be safe from watchdog?
  14. AubreyBoo

    Recommended for BW and SW

    Whats your best legit recommend config for BW n SW and maybe duels not trying to get a ban on my main account ^^ And also the colors you personally use this is useless but I'm curious
  15. Merryzz

    CLOSET & BLATANT VAPE CONFIGS 2024 (Hypixel, MMC, BlocksMC...)

    You can ask me anything about my configs, I'll reply. I added * to the modules & settings that are safe for main account, that doesnt mean other modules like hitselect will get you banned but if you want to be extra extra safe, only use the settings that has * next to them. Velocity*...
  16. W

    Hello, I have 175ms and I play in NA (Minemen)

    I have friends with the same ping as mine and they use reach at 3.2 and 3.3 or 3.1 and 3.5 and it doesn't ban them, and they play every day. Which reach is safe to use with +150ms and fakelag? Pass config +150ms (with reach and fakelag)
  17. V

    [CONFIG] question

    20MS 3.2-3.1 75% - Reach 20-15.7 - AC (LMB RMB) -EXTRA Scaffold Legit -HYPIXEL Is it safe
  18. V

    [QUESTION] Config

    20MS 3.2-3.1 75% - Reach 20-15.7 - AC (LMB RMB) Scaffold Legit
  19. A

    Vape V4 Skywars

    A very good configuration for skywars that there is no ban on the servers? Is there any really good configuration for skywars? I have 2 alts banned and I have used extremely soft configurations.
  20. F

    Optimal Blatant Settings For MINEMEN CLUB

    I'm looking for the most blatant settings without quick detection (MINEMEN CLUB)