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  1. TheBoss321

    hit select for vape lite (dont know if this is considered blantant)

    hit select on vape v4 is insane so why not add it to vape lite
  2. TheBoss321

    vape lite cosmicclient

    it says on vape lite it will inject into any 1.8.9 launcher but when ever I launch vape it says can not inject. can someone help me out.
  3. TheBoss321

    target info

    how do i use this feature on vape v4
  4. TheBoss321

    vape lite cosmic client

    when ever I inject vape lite into cosmic client it goes into compatibility and nothing works except the auto clicker. Aim assist reach nametags don't work can someone help me out
  5. TheBoss321

    aim assist not working

    when ever i try to use aimassist on certain luncher it dosent work with vape lite
  6. TheBoss321

    vape lite cosmiccleint

    when ever i load up vape lite it crashed on cosmic client when it loades up
  7. TheBoss321

    cosmicclient inject

    i know this is a lot to ask for since cosmcclient changes mapping all the time but ik prob 10 that would buy vape like if it injected into cosmicclient. So manthe can you please add make vape lite inject into cosmic client
  8. TheBoss321

    cosmic client

    is there any clients that inject into cosmic client
  9. TheBoss321

    duel info for vape lite

  10. TheBoss321

    vape lite aim on target

    idk if its just me but aim on target for aimassist feels very rough like is going slower then the aim assist is just doesn't feel very good.
  11. TheBoss321

    question for manthe

    @Manthe have you ever thought of making you own external client i am just curious
  12. TheBoss321

    web walker

    allows you to walk though webs like there nothing there
  13. TheBoss321

    ice tea leaked is it safe

  14. TheBoss321

    rust cheats

    anyone know where i can get perment rust cheats for like 60$
  15. TheBoss321

    killaura target mode

    you should add health for target mode so which ever enemy is at thge lowest health it targets that enemy over other enemies at higher health. Also another cool mode would be target,you type in the players ign that you want killaura to target and if there in your killaura range it will onto...
  16. TheBoss321

    vape lite and vape v4

    @Manthe so now that vape v4 injects into badlion and so does vape lite and for vape lite i think a lot of people liked it because it injected into badlion even thought it was not supported so is there a new vape lite update coming? "might inject in more unsupported versions maybe"
  17. TheBoss321

    single option for killaura

    some servers detect switch but when you use single it bypasses.
  18. TheBoss321

    single vs switch

    what is the difference between switch and single for killaura options
  19. TheBoss321

    Shiva anticheat

    I had killaura setting for cosmicpvp anticheat have they updated the anti cheat I have not hacked in a while.