Recent content by Pyseph

  1. Pyseph

    More logistics and legitimacy to AimAssist

    Also, you could have the GUI loop through a save settings loop every 60 seconds or so, which would do just as good.
  2. Pyseph

    More logistics and legitimacy to AimAssist

    I do not understand your point regarding pseudo-randomness being more detectable than no randomness. Could you give more details regarding that, or some examples?
  3. Pyseph

    More logistics and legitimacy to AimAssist

    Looked through the GUI and found a save settings button. Nevertheless, I was expecting the GUI to automatically save it like with my GUI.
  4. Pyseph

    More logistics and legitimacy to AimAssist

    Also, I noticed that the GUI doesn't save the settings... What the hell? I thought it was the basic drawing point of a competent GUI, let alone one for 35$.
  5. Pyseph

    More logistics and legitimacy to AimAssist

    In ROBLOX, FOV is one of the critical selling points, at least in 'PvP' and shooter games. Honestly I can see uses for it, but seeing as how no one has made an FOV for minecraft (or any popular ones, at the very least), I'd say it would become a winning point against other GUIs.
  6. Pyseph

    More logistics and legitimacy to AimAssist

    Hello! I am a Roblox-lua based (rLua for short) exploiter, and as such have made my own universal aimbot. From what I see, this GUI lacks legitimacy when it comes to its AimAssist. The main issue at hand is that the speed is constant, and the end offset of the mouse is always the same position...