Toggle Autoclicker Randomization


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Have used quite a few Clients in the past, however, I'm quite new to Vape.

The Autoclicker uses something like a "Randomization", according to a reply from Manthe in a post about "Preventing Autoclicker from slowing down".
That randomization is causing a lot of problems in PvP, especially when you count on constant CPS in a 1v1.

I'd suggest a toggle option, where every user can decide by themselves whether they need such a randomization or not.
Limiting everyone, even those who are used to constant CPS, to a randomization is not the right way. Offering a toggle-able alternative would be a nice thing...

*side note:
There is something like a "19,9-20"CPS thing in the Autoclicker Tab, however that one still doesn't prevent a randomization from what I have seen.

*mentioned post:
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i dont want to sound rude or anything but thats such a stupid idea, without the slow down you will get banned no matter what, even from watchdog. if you ever jittered you will slow down and speed back up, you cant stay at 15 cps..


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That answer is absolutely nonsense...

#1 not everyone is playing on english servers, especially not Hypixel only.
#2 If AC would get you instant banned, at least give people the opinion to choose what they want to use. Just denying that idea because of "instant ban" is not just absolutely wrong but also a pretty limited view. If you buy a client for somewhat 30$, you might want to get a stable AC. And Vape's, in fact, is not stable considering the slowdowns.
#3 There is literally no downside of offering a switch between both. Especially combat only players (Modes like FFA; GG and that. Not weird semi-pvp like Skywars, where you don't need to have stable CPS).
Those who don't want to get "instant banned" - as you described, simply won't activate the "stable AC" switch. At least give a choice.
#4 Not every AC is existing to work specifically for watchdog. There's far more servers - which fairly - don't ban a stable and constant CPS.