[Invalid] FINAL V4 / LITE CONFIG FOR 1.7 / 1.8 SERVERS (2022)

VapeV4 VapeLite


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This is an updated guide to a very old post I made back in October or somewhere around that time. I'm most likely not going to be making another one since nothing really changes anti cheat wise for Hypixel (which is probably what most people are here for) and a lot of the servers I mentioned in the previous post are basically dead.


- This doesn't apply now however, if this post becomes a few months old or so I would recommend asking me in case any anti cheat updates occur (unlikely.)

- If you are going to argue that you can use stupidly blatant shit because you bypassed for a few days please leave.

- Similar to the above point, this guide is meant for people that want to stay unbanned on their main accounts and have peace of mind while cheating.

- All settings were tested by me on multiple accounts; as of writing this, the settings listed here do not flag the anti cheat and are not noticeable to staff.

(The settings with 200ms I did not test as I do not reside in an area where I can test on that ping however, I've used my best judgement on what's safe for that ping, I can assure you, you will not get banned.) I'm also not your average forums retard.

- I did not include Mineplex in this guide because the anti cheat often false flags and is very unstable. I also got banned by staff because of how small lobbies are so I couldn't include it because I couldn't tell if I was flagging or not. If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments.

- AimAssist wasn't included, it's personal preference, Vape's AimAssist is undetectable but don't be stupid and set it to 200 or anything crazy, keep it below 10 if you'd like to be safe.

- AutoClicker, Reach, and Velocity checks (only while sprinting, targeting, etc) are optional so they weren't included either.

- This guide only has those 3 modules since they are the essential modules for closeting, if you have to ask, I'd highly advise not using anything in blatant tab other than AntiBot.

- All visuals except for AntiDebuff are undetectable on Hypixel so use whatever you'd like.

- If you want to use legit scaffold in utility you can use any delay, it's undetectable and staff don't ban for bridging fast.


AutoClicker: 16 - 20

Reach: 3.1 - 3.2

Velocity: 90, 100, 100

AutoClicker: 16 - 20

Reach: 3.1 - 3.3

Velocity: 85, 100, 100

AutoClicker: 16 - 20

Reach: 3.1 - 3.4

Velocity: 80, 100, 100

AutoClicker: 16 - 20

Reach: 3.1 - 3.2

Velocity: 90, 100, 100

AutoClicker: 16 - 20

Reach: 3.1 - 3.3

Velocity: 85, 100, 100

AutoClicker: 16 - 20

Reach: 3.1 - 3.4

Velocity: 80, 100, 100

AutoClicker: 16 - 20

Reach: 3.1 - 3.4

Velocity: 80, 100, 100

(Sumo is littered with cheaters and games end too quick so I wouldn't worry about this being blatant.)

AutoClicker: 16 - 20

Reach: 3.00 - 3.2

Velocity: 90, 100, 100


If you get to diamond turn reach to 3.1 and velocity to 95

If you get masters turn reach and velocity off.

Both are risky to use at high rating and can ban, even with high ping.

AutoClicker: 16 - 20

Reach: 3.00 - 3.2

Velocity: 90, 100, 100

This will work for any mode based off PVP.

If you reach top 500 turn reach down to 3.1 and velocity to 95.

If you reach top 200 turn both off.

Similar to ranked, tournaments are swarmed with staff and risky at high positions.


I've heard velocity bypasses on Lunar but I'd highly recommend not using it just in case since velocity is really easy to detect in the future.

AutoClicker: 8 - 14

Reach: 3.00 - 3.15

ThrowPot: 80 - 100ms

Refill: 70 - 90ms

AutoClicker: 8 - 14

Reach: 3.00 - 3.2

ThrowPot: 80 - 100ms

Refill: 70 - 90ms

AutoClicker: 8 - 14

Reach: 3.00 - 3.25

ThrowPot: 80 - 100ms

Refill: 70 - 90ms

AutoClicker: 8 - 14

Reach: 3.00 - 3.1 (If you pass 1,200 ELO I'd recommend turning reach off.)

ThrowPot: 80 - 100ms

Refill: 70 - 90ms

Reach is risky to use in ranked unless you have high ping, even with high ping it might get you banned.

AutoClicker: 8 - 14


AutoClicker: 10 - 16

I've heard 10 - 16 bypasses and I didn't have a problem using it in my testing (few hours) but if you are paranoid about bans, use 8 - 14.

ThrowPot: 80 - 100ms

Refill: 70 - 90ms

I've heard reach bypasses on low values now and they don't do ban waves anymore however, reach was detected at any value at one point so again, I'd highly recommend not using it in case they decide to start detecting it again.

VapeV4 VapeLite


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Useful for BedWars and SkyWars, not detectable as it's entirely client sided.


It's hard to explain however, in 1.8 there is a click delay that occurs when clicking over 10 CPS. This mod fixes that and makes PVP similar to 1.7.

It gives a noticeable advantage in PVP however I don't think anyone has ever been banned for it by staff and it's not detectable by the AntiCheat (any servers.)

I use this 24/7 on my main.

I'm just adding an analysis on the server AntiCheats and my opinion on them if you'd like to read.

Literal trash, they patched all blinkless flies (as of me writing this) however everything else is worse.

Staff are all retarded except the ones watching ranked / tourneys, they don't ban you unless you are really blatant, and most of them are too busy updating SkyBlock and catching IRL traders.

Also trash, I think this AntiCheat is heavily overestimated in what it's capable of, 3.5 reach and HitBoxes bypass forever for some reason. (This does not mean you should use it to those wondering.)

Staff are non existent in practice but I think they spectate in ranked.

Probably the best AntiCheat out of all servers, detects any reach and velocity value.

I haven't had an encounter with staff but I'd assume they're smarter than your average Hypixel Game Master.


- If you can, play nicked. It makes it less likely for staff to follow you around if you get too many reports. My config will not get you staff banned or AntiCheat banned but if you'd like peace of mind play nicked.

- For the love of god, use the settings in the way they are listed. Don't use 3.4 reach if you aren't on 200ms for an example. If you are using 3.4 with 80 horizontal on 20ms or something you will get yourself banned. It may not seem like it makes a difference but trust me it does if you're looking at it from a technical standpoint than just spectating.

- If you suggest HitBoxes you are automatically retarded.

- If you say vertical velocity bypasses and is safe you are also automatically retarded.

- This may sound egocentric but, anyone arguing that you can use something higher than what I listed here is most likely wrong.


- If you have any suggestions, modes I should add, or if there is bugs with the spoilers let me know.

- For those wondering why I didn't include servers like Viper, Holy Network, etc it's because most of those servers are dead and nobody plays on there so I can't test anything (also I'm lazy.) Same goes for dead games on Hypixel like UHC or Mega Walls.

- I'm probably not updating this unless something happens with Watchdog that changes closeting.

-Created because I was bored at 2am.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know here or message me. I'm on everyday most of the time and will respond within 24 hours.

Once again, if you are going to suggest something retardingly blatant please kill yourself <3

Made With Love <3

If you are reading this as of November 2023, note that this guide is not maintained anymore, please use everything here at your own risk, for updated configs please see: https://sites.google.com/view/ultimate-vape-sheet
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i use 3.0 - 3.3 on mmc but it will probably get you ban waved but not banned from agc
VapeV4 VapeLite


Well-Known Member
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Yeah. I do known on raven b+ you can use 3.0-3.3 for a long while and bypass, but ofc thats not gonna keep you unbanned
I don't believe the client matters, reach is reach, there isn't other ways to reach or make a better one. I have no idea what's going on with the AntiCheat in Mineman Club at the moment but just because it isn't banning doesn't mean it's not flagging.....

A lot of people don't understand that.

(This isn't directed to you but for anyone else reading that might not get it.)
VapeV4 VapeLite


Well-Known Member
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Yeah. I do known on raven b+ you can use 3.0-3.3 for a long while and bypass, but ofc thats not gonna keep you unbanned
The client doesn't matter, AGC detects the reach regardless of what reach you. It's not possible to make a "better reach".

If a reach seems to bypass at some high values, it probably means it doesn't work and it's fake.


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Vape user
Jan '21


Useful for BedWars and SkyWars, not detectable as it's entirely client sided.


It's hard to explain however, in 1.8 there is a click delay that occurs when clicking over 10 CPS. This mod fixes that and makes PVP similar to 1.7.

It gives a noticeable advantage in PVP however I don't think anyone has ever been banned for it by staff and it's not detectable by the AntiCheat (any servers.)

I use this 24/7 on my main.

I'm just adding an analysis on the server AntiCheats and my opinion on them if you'd like to read.

Literal trash, they patched all blinkless flies (as of me writing this) however everything else is worse.

Staff are all retarded except the ones watching ranked / tourneys, they don't ban you unless you are really blatant, and most of them are too busy updating SkyBlock and catching IRL traders.

Also trash, I think this AntiCheat is heavily overestimated in what it's capable of, 3.5 reach and HitBoxes bypass forever for some reason. (This does not mean you should use it to those wondering.)

Staff are non existent in practice but I think they spectate in ranked.

Probably the best AntiCheat out of all servers, detects any reach and velocity value.

I haven't had an encounter with staff but I'd assume they're smarter than your average Hypixel Game Master.


- If you can, play nicked. It makes it less likely for staff to follow you around if you get too many reports. My config will not get you staff banned or AntiCheat banned but if you'd like peace of mind play nicked.

- For the love of god, use the settings in the way they are listed. Don't use 3.4 reach if you aren't on 200ms for an example. If you are using 3.4 with 80 horizontal on 20ms or something you will get yourself banned. It may not seem like it makes a difference but trust me it does if you're looking at it from a technical standpoint than just spectating.

- If you suggest HitBoxes you are automatically retarded.

- If you say vertical velocity bypasses and is safe you are also automatically retarded.

- This may sound egocentric but, anyone arguing that you can use something higher than what I listed here is most likely wrong.


- If you have any suggestions, modes I should add, or if there is bugs with the spoilers let me know.

- For those wondering why I didn't include servers like Viper, Holy Network, etc it's because most of those servers are dead and nobody plays on there so I can't test anything (also I'm lazy.) Same goes for dead games on Hypixel like UHC or Mega Walls.

- I'm probably not updating this unless something happens with Watchdog that changes closeting.

-Created because I was bored at 2am.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know here or message me. I'm on everyday most of the time and will respond within 24 hours.

Once again, if you are going to suggest something retardingly blatant please kill yourself <3

Made With Love <3



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The client doesn't matter, AGC detects the reach regardless of what reach you. It's not possible to make a "better reach".

If a reach seems to bypass at some high values, it probably means it doesn't work and it's fake.
the only reason it works is one: ping and two: the randomization on it makes it harder to detect as it goes for lower values. because agc detects consistent hits, if the randomization is built to not always give reach, then it will bypass agc easier. and to prove the reach actually works, the same guy went on a vpn and an alt and use 3.3 for a few more hours. then, he ended up getting banned. the way that higher reach values bypass agc is through randomization, and raven b+ is a decently known client. saying that the reach doesnt work is like going to ppclicker or dope and saying "your ac doesnt get me banned, but this one does, you must be fake.
VapeV4 VapeLite


Well-Known Member
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the only reason it works is one: ping and two: the randomization on it makes it harder to detect as it goes for lower values. because agc detects consistent hits, if the randomization is built to not always give reach, then it will bypass agc easier. and to prove the reach actually works, the same guy went on a vpn and an alt and use 3.3 for a few more hours. then, he ended up getting banned. the way that higher reach values bypass agc is through randomization, and raven b+ is a decently known client. saying that the reach doesnt work is like going to ppclicker or dope and saying "your ac doesnt get me banned, but this one does, you must be fake.
Ping doesn’t affect the checks on agc. Also 99% sure the randomization on V4 / Lite is better.
VapeV4 VapeLite


Well-Known Member
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the only reason it works is one: ping and two: the randomization on it makes it harder to detect as it goes for lower values. because agc detects consistent hits, if the randomization is built to not always give reach, then it will bypass agc easier. and to prove the reach actually works, the same guy went on a vpn and an alt and use 3.3 for a few more hours. then, he ended up getting banned. the way that higher reach values bypass agc is through randomization, and raven b+ is a decently known client. saying that the reach doesnt work is like going to ppclicker or dope and saying "your ac doesnt get me banned, but this one does, you must be fake.
If an anticheat detects 3.3 there's nothing to do.
For modules such as Autoclicker simply clicks for you to simulate a legit player. The AimAssist simulates the aim of a legit player.

For reach there's no method to extend your reach above 3 blocks.
The randomization just helps you to be more legit. It doesn't help at bypassing anticheats.

Of course you can still believe what you are thinking.
VapeV4 VapeLite


Well-Known Member
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If an anticheat detects 3.3 there's nothing to do.
For modules such as Autoclicker simply clicks for you to simulate a legit player. The AimAssist simulates the aim of a legit player.

For reach there's no method to extend your reach above 3 blocks.
The randomization just helps you to be more legit. It doesn't help at bypassing anticheats.

Of course you can still believe what you are thinking.

rofl smartest forum member.


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If an anticheat detects 3.3 there's nothing to do.
For modules such as Autoclicker simply clicks for you to simulate a legit player. The AimAssist simulates the aim of a legit player.

For reach there's no method to extend your reach above 3 blocks.
The randomization just helps you to be more legit. It doesn't help at bypassing anticheats.

Of course you can still believe what you are thinking.
for reach there's no method to extend your reach over 3 blocks?????

yes randomization in other modules is different i do agree on that
but as for reach certain clients use lower values. agc looks for constistent hits. if i have reach at 3.1 and my client mainly gives me 3.1 extra reach, im not gonna bypass. however if my client only sometimes gives me extra reach, then i will bypass.
VapeV4 VapeLite


Well-Known Member
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for reach there's no method to extend your reach over 3 blocks?????

yes randomization in other modules is different i do agree on that
but as for reach certain clients use lower values. agc looks for constistent hits. if i have reach at 3.1 and my client mainly gives me 3.1 extra reach, im not gonna bypass. however if my client only sometimes gives me extra reach, then i will bypass.
In Vanilla Minecraft mechanics there is no way to hit over 3 blocks. That’s why it’s detectable. Also agc is practice base the checks are more strict, no randomization matters, you still silently flag.


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In Vanilla Minecraft mechanics there is no way to hit over 3 blocks. That’s why it’s detectable. Also agc is practice base the checks are more strict, no randomization matters, you still silently flag.
yes you will still silently flag, however you will not get autobanned if the hits are not consistent.