Dream's UHC settings on an alt & Guide.


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Please note: This will allow you to win most of your UHC games, against blatant cheaters etc. Wouldn't recommend using this on your main account. I've used this on an alt, for a semi-decent (19.5) kdr. With these settings, you may get replay banned, however, if used properly you will not get banned, as there are not many moderators that currently play (Reon, Wind, LielAmar, Dixay, Female-socked-mod-who-boosts-with-iMoviat, and a few others). Aslong as you don't toggle hard on certain players (ie. Bloje, even when he's cheating, Zux (Di4mondtool/Lielamar's boyfriend), etc).

Profile 1:
Reach: 3.1-3.4 during NA hour; 3.3-3.7 during JP hours
AC: Personal preference
AA: Personal preference
Timers: 1.07 only when mining. (Slight advantage. Blatant when used with Anduril).

Profile 2:
Reach: 3.1-3.4 during NA hour; 3.3-3.7 during JP hours
AC: Block-hit on. 8-12 should do it.
AA: Max AA.
Hitboxes: 0.2
Velocity: 80% Horizontal.
Visuals. Would recommend using nametags with health & armor display.

UHC's an extremely competitive/cheater-infested game. I'd say that 80-90% of highstars closet cheat, and of current active highstars, there are only a few that are legit (such as PikaaTwo, Rain, Grubby (has rayed) and SweatGod).

These settings will not win you games if you don't have minimal amounts of game sense. When playing UHC, specifically teams, you will often fight multiple cheaters a game, using really blatant shit (ie. Autoblocking etc). While using these settings, toggle on profile 2 against blatant cheaters. If you'd like to win games, use efficient rushes (it's important to go 0.0 by ~5mins after PVP). I'd recommend rushing sharp 3 drag. Winning in solos is generally much easier then teams. JP hours (During ~9:00AM - 3PM JP time) is much more infested with cheaters, and some games may seem unwinnable. Using these settings, I have managed to get a W:S of 11 (in solos).

When cheating, you generally want to melee, but it's also important to know how to bow. Bowing is extremely important in UHC. Additionally, you should only take fights that are directly beneficial to you. Ie. Cleans, Diamond pieces, healing etc. With replays, I'd recommend not blatantly tracing if on a main account.

Thats all.
I like your settings mr dream


New Member
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Old post. Please disregard. In the past, toggling on bloje would result in a ban due to a certain now demoted corrupt mod.

update on UHC in general: stay low; LadyBleu’s been clearing LBs/checking replays.
What are some good closet settings for main in hypixel
I have both vape v4 and lite