So i want really legit settings updated toon bedwars i get really good ping its just i was duiling my friend and i was using pretty good legit settings and he said it was sus also what do i do for reach chance and velocitty chance thats not on the forumn
The goal of this thread is to possibly improve my settings, whether it be by adding other settings like f.ex hitbox (which I know nothing about) or by changing different modules.
Account details:
I am Mvp+and average around 110 ms. (I've heard rank can affect what settings you should use so...
Im curious about hypixel tho but as i know mmc AGC is better than hypixel Anticheat, so what are the best reach settings to not get banned not only on mmc but on other servers too with good anticheat? i mean, i dont want to change always the settings cuz im lazy, and im afraid if i dont change...
best settings
hypixel reach
minemen reach
mmc reach
reach for minemen
reach settings
settings for badlion
settings vape lite
Hi! I am looking for skywars settings that can let me trash on most ppl and not get banned. I want to hack on my main, but dont because of fear of getting banned.
Also I want to use velocity but dont know what settings I should use.
I get around 25 ping.
Currently I use:
11-14 AC
0.35 Hit...
Hellow Im a newbie of vape lite
I wanna tell u something I found a problem like I set reach 3.00 - 3.15 [toggle while sprinting on , and combo mode on ] and set autoclick 12-15 and
velocityHorizontal : 87
Vertical : 87
Chance : 90
and still get banned which setting do u guys recommend me...
i get around 130 - 200 ping on hypixel.
The settings i currently use are:
reach: 3.2-3.4
disable in water on(all other off)
speed: 4.6
maxAngle: 70
distance: 3.3
click aim , aim while on target
blockhit, inventory fill
Considering my ping can i make the settings even...
Leave any profiles or settings that 100% won't get me banned on the server. Just need something to give me a slight advantage over other players. I usually get around 104ms.
AC: LC- 9-14 RC 8-13
Aim Assist: Click Aim yes vertical speed 25 horizontal speed 80 range 5.00 max angle 77
Reach: only while sprinting no combo mode no misplace no Reach 3.10-3.40
velocity: only while targeting no horizontal 85 vertical 100 chance 100
i usually just use...
Aim Assist
Click Aim: si
nvisible: no
Through blocks: no
Aim while you're on the target yes
Strafe Increase Yes
Check block lock: yes
Aim vertically: no
Horizontal speed 5
Max Angle: 180
Distance: 5.0
Limited items: no
Left click: 12.0-16.0
Right click: 10.0-16.0 (Place blocks...