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  1. S

    V4 question

    Have not purchased v4 yet, is it possible to hide the GUI that shows up in game saying "vape v4" and all the modules
  2. S

    V4 or Lite for Hypixel and MMC?

    I want to cheat on hypixel and minemen club, but mainly hypixel. I don't care which one I buy and price doesn't mean anything. Also, why I'm at it, is disable hit delay a thing on lite?
  3. S

    can't afford vape v4 yet, any free alternatives for now?

    about 150 in debt w/ parents rn, so i cant buy the client yet, just lookin to use something until i buy. lf something with aimassist, reach, velocity, and autoclicker that can be injected into BLC.