Search results

  1. C

    Search bug for soooo longggg vape lite

    Whenever I use search for vape lite and set the colours of the ores they reset every time I reset Minecraft. Even after I sync settings.
  2. C uhc

  3. C

    Killaura silent vs anti cheat

    What is the actual difference and which one should I use on hypixel. Obviously it says anti-cheat bypasses but is it worse than silent?
  4. C

    Vape v3 search

    Correct me if I’m wrong but why is vape lites “search” different to vape v3. I can use vape lites one with cave only on hypixel but not v3
  5. C

    Rod aimbot

    Is it possible that rod aimbot can be changed to where the rod throws to the player instead of my aim being aids
  6. C

    Rod Aimbot hypixel

    I haven’t tested on hypixel yet but will rod aimbot be detectable and is it worth using for something like uhc
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    Vape v3 sale

    Is there usually a sale for vape during Christmas? I am looking to buy vape v3 so how much would it go down to or should I just buy now
  8. C

    My settings vape lite hypixel UHC want advice

    Autoclicker 13-16 Left click Aim assist Click aim: on Vertical: off H speed: 55 Range:5 Max Angle: 83 Reach Only while sprinting: off Combo mode: off Misplace: off Reach: 3.3-3.43 Velocity only while targeting: on H velocity: 87 V velocity: 100 Chance: 95% I want to use kite mode for UHC as It...
  9. C

    Vape lite bridge assist

    I have whiteout and vape lite but prefer vape lite atm however the bridge assist is very nice on the client for bedwars