Search results

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    Goodbye everyone..

    goodbye mate
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    Looking for good Semirage / Blatant config / cheat for Vulcan Anti cheat. PvP only

    I don't know what liquidbounce you downloaded because it does not rely on scripts
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    Looking for good Semirage / Blatant config / cheat for Vulcan Anti cheat. PvP only

    Liquidbounce is objectively better than rise imo. It gets very consistent updates and has alot of good Vulcan bypasses, probably more than rise. Also it's free
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    Looking for good Semirage / Blatant config / cheat for Vulcan Anti cheat. PvP only

    No movement correction with keepsprint flags for Killaura and flags some other movements checks sometimes. Even without keepsprint it flags
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    Looking for good Semirage / Blatant config / cheat for Vulcan Anti cheat. PvP only

    get liquidbounce nextgen and DONT get rise
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    Normal Velocity Hypixel Bedwars

    I double shift on mmc all the time lol I never get banned
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    Normal Velocity Hypixel Bedwars

    I don't know if this is outdated but you can absolutely still cheat, no matter what insane update they do to the anticheat most closet configs should work fine
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    can someone help?

    Try to launch as admin. If that doesn't work, select compatibility option to a different OS, try until it works, and if it doesn't end up working, contact support
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    I filled in the wrong email address when making the purchase. May I ask how to solve this problem?

    tell them that you can't access the email and try to get a refund
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    I filled in the wrong email address when making the purchase. May I ask how to solve this problem?

    then show them the email you received after purchase, unless by "wrong email" you mean a typo when making your account?
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    Health Prediction not working?

    What is the point of using health prediction on MMC, a server which does not hide enemy health?
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    got banned again. what. im using meryzz settings but getting banned every two days.

    Appeal and you will be unbanned. As other people said, this is NOT an anticheat ban, just a security ban, I don't know why this should be happening but either way you can just appeal it and you will get unbanned after ~a day
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    Then literally ANYTHING will bypass
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    Jump reset Velocity hypixel settings

    Definitely not
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    U literally can use 20-20 extra+ on hypixel with no problem I personally use 10-16 extra+
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    Jump reset Velocity hypixel settings

    Not exactly. Prediction Anticheat doesn't flag 100-100 100%. Although, they hypothetically could add a Jump Reset check. Whenever someone asks for settings, I try to give them settings that are future-proof. If 100-100 100% doesn't flag right now, it doesn't mean it will still be safe in the...
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    Just got banned on mmc for these settings, advice?

    I just checked, and we're both wrong lmao. The max is 50 without manually typing it in
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    Just got banned on mmc for these settings, advice?

    I believe offset goes to 20 without being typed in manually
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    Antibot for vape lite and add accuracy to jump reset

    AntiBot is used for silent-aiming modules, so they don't aim at bots. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Vape Lite literally doesn't have a single silent-aiming module, right? So, what will AntiBot be for?