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  1. Gab

    About backtrack and fakelag (150ms~170ms)

    Only on Intave and I didn't have issues
  2. Gab

    About backtrack and fakelag (150ms~170ms)

    by experience 150 performs well on all pings
  3. Gab

    Normal Velocity Hypixel Bedwars

    I was more referring to if you do it all the time
  4. Gab

    Normal Velocity Hypixel Bedwars

    It might ban if you improperly diagonally bridge
  5. Gab

    says no minecraft found when trying to launch

    💀 bro vape only works on java you can try playing on bedwork with viaproxy but you'll need to inject into java
  6. Gab

    What jump reset velocity u can use in hypixel main acc

    Alternatively 30 - 70 60%
  7. Gab

    says no minecraft found when trying to launch

    If you're using another launcher apart from Vanilla, click into the game window when it says it can't find Minecraft. If it still doesn't work then don't use a third world launcher and use something like Vanilla, Lunar or BLC
  8. Gab

    Hypixel Duels op/classic and bedwars settings

    dont use reach, only use velo jump reset and don't use too high values in blockhit lag (alternatively use blockhit predict or manual) backtrack and fakelag repel are good alternatives to reach
  9. Gab

    I no longer have vape lite

    Contact support
  10. Gab

    Does anybody have a good pika network config?

    Are you still using Silentaura, or are you using the AimAssist settings I suggested? Also use FakeLag Repel at like 100-150 if you haven't yet
  11. Gab

    Does anybody have a good pika network config?

    Stick with Merryzz - the settings you recently posted are absolutely fine.
  12. Gab

    vape killaura silentaura

    Killaura is a Blatant module and no longer supported. You can only find it in the Search bar. Vape is only meant to be a ghost client from now on. SilentAura simulates AutoClicker & AimAssist, that's how it bypasses on almost every anticheat. Also please write in english, thanks
  13. Gab

    Java bridge

    Some servers flag for legit Godbridging, they won't allow this for sure since they don't account for it. You'll fail every heuristic check instantly
  14. Gab


    It's somewhat blatant, basically you don't need to hold the right mouse button to continue blocking/eating. It won't do anything on most servers though.
  15. Gab

    My config safe? And how i can improve it

    What does that even mean?
  16. Gab

    Always block (for lag blockhit)

  17. Gab

    Why does vape v4 suck on pika, literal legits are killing me while i even outgear them.

    Use High Aim Assist and AutoClicker on Trigger and you'll have a non-silent Aura basically
  18. Gab

    Why does vape v4 suck on pika, literal legits are killing me while i even outgear them.

    Try lowering hitselect chance and velocity max accuracy - if it still doesn't work, turn off backtrack - if it still doesn't work then it's SilentAura. Also if you're playing Bedwars with SilentAura you'll be banned within 2 hours and mitigated af You just can't use SilentAura at all in Bedwars
  19. Gab

    Why does vape v4 suck on pika, literal legits are killing me while i even outgear them.

    Backtrack probably too high and also SilentAura is detected on some game modes because they have stupid settings