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  1. xolles

    Silentaura on hypixel

    Do they ban silentaura on hypixel for these settings? rotation speed 10 distance 3 swing distance 3 cps 13-20 movement - proppper my ping 140
  2. xolles

    Someone help me get settings that don't get banned (Silent Aura)

    proper movement movement speed - 8,6 cps 13-20 hit distance 3 blocks degrees 360 (not banning on mmc)
  3. xolles

    Silentaura config for mmc

  4. xolles

    Silentaura config for mmc

    Guys, who can give a very legit config for mmc with a silent aura? on vape v4
  5. xolles

    how to self destruct vape v4?

    starting with vape v4.10, the self destruct function was removed because it was unstable and did not guarantee to bypass ss