(COPYPASTA) Lesbian dream stan


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Vape user
Apr '21
I’ve always been quite open with my family. When I told my mom about the Dream side of me, she started laughing as she didn’t believe me. After 10 minutes of telling her who he was and how I am Dream, and how I want to feel him and be him and love him, this bitch had the audacity to laugh.

My childhood friends refuse to speak to me until I “stop with this joke” and my girlfriend says we should take a break until she’s ready to accept me, but she doesn’t even respond to me anymore. When I first told her, she gave me a sort of blank stare and said that I’ve changed. I think she understands but is scared of also being judged, so I think a little break will do us some good. My mom on the other hand is so close minded it hurts.

Why is this world full of hate? People are fine with supporting LGBT until it’s something they are not used to. It’s disgusting. I hate this cruel reality.

As no one really talks to me anymore (their loss) I usually just watch manhunts and the SMP and hope one day he notices me and wants to play with me. I’ve donated around $100 so far to his livestreams and when we finally meet, he’s going to realises that he loves me back. And then I won’t care about my nazi friends and my nazi family. We’ll love each other and the haters will be so jealous they won’t know what to say :).

A tip for others like me, watch one of his videos and close your eyes and imagine he made the video just for you. And everyone time he speaks imagine he’s laying next to you and rubbing your thighs gently as he play minecraft with his friends (they don’t even know). That’s usually the only way I can get to sleep unless it’s to his song he recently released. Wow I’m so proud of him.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and know that one day people will be jealous of how far you come and will never disrespect you again for who you are ❤️


Well-Known Member
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Vape user
Apr '21
the worst part is that I think this is serious