
  1. D

    Vape lite vape lite does not work

    First, the download reaches 6/11, then after 5 minutes it stops at the 8/11 stage and nothing else happens. Minecraft 1.16.5 Forge
  2. Лето Тесака

    Vape lite injection badion crash stuck at 8/11

    damn, I played well, but suddenly I couldn't work anymore. I couldn't inject it, stuck here all the time, and collapsed
  3. P

    Why vape lite is so expensive

    first, sorry for bad england. I wanna buy vape but why vape lite is more expensive than v4 even if it has less features ?
  4. K

    Hypixel Reach Not Registering, (HELP)

    Yo, i'm on like 120-200 ping on hypixel and I've got 3.2-3.5 in reach. thing is that my reach hits are not registering, so everytime I get a reach hit the particles of a hit appears but the hitdoesn't register, anyone know a fix please help. I'm using Vape Lite
  5. D

    Cosmic client inject for VapeV4 and VapeLite

    Hello, fellow vape users! Today I will be suggesting something that in my opinion would improve the VapeV4 and VapeLite forever. My suggestion would be to add Cosmic Client support because, in my opinion, this would change how some servers operate such as CosmicPvP, DemonicPvP, AstroPvP, and...
  6. V

    Vape Lite Supported Versions

    Hello im wondering if vape lite 3.3 supports lunar cause i tried tons of versions of mc like "Cheatbreaker/Lunar Client" it just crashed my mc whenever i tried opening
  7. ColombianSweat

    add autotool to vape lite

    autotool is a good module to people who use vape lite in unsupported versions to play bedwars or uhc. autotool would enhance the gaming experience on the Vape Lite.
  8. S

    just bought vape and cant download it?

  9. nightshadetvn

    AutoArmor - Vape Lite

    Auto Armor Options : - Delay Delay between each armor piece begin putted on (in ms) -Only when inventory open Put armor only when inventory is open Thanks for reading! - nightshadetvn
  10. P

    Vape overlay being wack

    So I try to use vape overlay mode for my ESP and my nametags and it just goes wack, Ive tried switching between forge 1.8.9 1.7.10 blc and 5zig It shows the esp and nametags above their head. Heres a video . Can someone help me with a fix please?
  11. Yuzuki

    VPN Blocker BYPASS

    Is there a way to bypass VPN blockers. For example Cubecraft, mccentral, etc. appreantly vypr VPN isnt the best option -_-
  12. Yuzuki

    Is vape gud for blatant cheating on cubecraft? (Youtube purposes)

    So ppl msg me on discord and ask me to post vids about cubecraft. Is Vape good for cubecraft in blatant cheat? if so then gud settings? please help urgent.
  13. Yuzuki

    Under what conditions can my account be locked?

    I read about this on TOS but not sure. Since I have like 7 laptops/monitors Either at work, school, or private use. I just dont want Manthe to mistake I shared with 7 or more users and want to ask is there something I can do to prevent my vape account to be locked.
  14. Yuzuki

    Alt manager

    I love vape and all but swtiching alts its annoying. I think alt manager would be respectable, similarly to zeroday's if possiable
  15. Yuzuki

    Kit PVP server allows hacking

    I m on the edge of planning on making a unique kit pvp server that is made for hackers. Maybe add in another modes such as bedwars or skywars? u think its a gud idea?
  16. M7H.GG

    Unofficial Vape Discord (Since Manthe never made one)

    Since, @Manthe probably isn't ever going to make one i made my own. for all VAPE discussions - https://discord.gg/JDcvvYg
  17. F

    Auto back stab

    i was wondering if some1 can add a feuture there if they are at 4 hearts and youre aiming at the back off them the client join backstabb?
  18. A

    Vape lite , Hyperium

    vape lite works on badlion but I like hyperium so why not ? please it will be a great thing and there is like 3000 player on hyperium @Manthe @James