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  1. ivixx

    Only when targeting !!IMPOrTANt!!

    Make only when targeting fov based and add a fov slider ex: 0 - 360 (when a target comes into the set fov it will reduce knockback if you get hit by them likewise if the target is not in the fov range and they hit you it will not reduce knockback) As of right now the current "Only when...
  2. ivixx

    Auto Clicker !!IMPOrTANt!!

    Add an exhaust slider to auto clicker 0 - 100%, make the clicker more accurate ex: 17 - 20 CPS would actually click 17 - 20 instead of dropping down to 10 and maxing out at 16 (this would go along with exhaust and accuracy slider), add accuracy to clicker ex: 0% would click with bad performance...
  3. ivixx

    legit sumo config

    AimAssist Horizontal Speed 8 Max Angle 120 Distance 7 "Click Aim, Aim while on target, Strafe increase, Check block break" ENABLED AutoClicker 17.7-20.0 CPS Randomization - Extra+ "Hold to Click, Inventory fill, Break Blocks (0-10 Delay)" ENABLED Velocity Mode - JumpReset Chance %65 Accuracy -...
  4. ivixx

    arrow dodge

    Basically when you have this thingy on your character whenever an arrow comes close to it: it would move to the right or to left i think this would be a great feature! especially for bow duels!
  5. ivixx

    Jump reset

    Add a randomization slider to the jump reset module, also make the jump reset module better pls for the randomization slider i meant when it jump resets instead of always jumping perfectly accurately on the tick it would be randomized to sometimes jump on the tick but also jump in other...