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  1. J

    Change-logs of Manthe Clicker

    nan tu va savoir qui jsuis, jvois pas l'intérêt d'être discret
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    The ability to inject VapeLite into OptiFine, OCMC, BLC or Pactify Launcher. Add other versions or make all possible versions like the 1.9.4
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    Change-logs of Manthe Clicker

    je serai meme le premier a etre chaud pour que VapeLite bypass pactify au lieu de faire un truc full private
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    Change-logs of Manthe Clicker

    non oklm parce que je vape aussi ^^ depuis bientôt le debut de VapeLite en 1.10.2 quand y'avais meme pas les maj pour l'adresse IP et HWID et non c juste qu'il aurait pu changer son pseudo vape pour pas qu'on sache qu'il vape jvais pas le balance si je vape aussi
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    Change-logs of Manthe Clicker

    il aurait pu changer son pseudo FOFO
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    Change-logs of Manthe Clicker

    nickel ca pour funcraft xd
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    Choose program inject VLite

    what i meant is to be able to choose which minecraft to launch as on the TapClient when we launch it we have to choose the minecraft application
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    Choose program inject VLite

    To see which software we can inject VLite and V2 / V3 as the TapClient, so we can inject it on launcher different from that of Mojang
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    VLite Optifine: Good Misplace & Sprint Error

    Only works in OptiFine 1.7.10, but not the other versions on VLite
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    Meileur settings vape lite pour FunCraft

    T'es settings sont bcp trop haut pour la reach et l'autoclick je laisserai pas une aussi grande marge je mettrai 11-13 moi
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    Account locked

    Good evening, my account has been blocked for some time because I asked the support to change my account email address, following that my account A was blocked because you thought I was flying sell my account while not. I would like to have my account unlocked without changing my email. I have...
  12. J

    ReachDisplayMod VapeLite

    For VapeLite we would like an option in the reach for the reachdisplaymod mod that bypass it to not exceed 3 blocks but have a block randomizer if it exceeds 3
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    Hitbox and RightClick on VapeLite

    add the HitBoxes on VapeLite or add the right click on the autoclick
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    Add option on VapeLite

    When you hit and the shots do not come
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    Add option on VapeLite

    Add a hit detection option on VapeLite Please