Search results

  1. L

    Strafe Settings

    Hello i wanted to know how strafe works , beacause for me i cant see any changes
  2. L


    Anyone have a list of premium or cracked servers with , bad / no anticheat , thanks in advance!
  3. L


    Altening does not work , it says error , an exepction occured
  4. L


    No rotate keeps crashing my client , im on Lunar, anyone know how to fix?
  5. L

    Lunar ( with cracked accounts )

    Does anyone know how to use lunar , but add an ablity to use cracked accounts and change the cracked accounts name whenever we want , if so please help me . Thanks in advance
  6. L

    Need a blatant config

    Does anyone have a blatant config for , its a random server with bewars and basically you cant get banned there but a lot of features make you rollback , does anyone have settings for a good blatant config for this server , or any other servers where you can speed ect...