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  1. R

    Lite vs v4 Aim Assist

    Is there a difference? Vape Lite's aim assist goes up to "100" Speed but Vape V4's aim assist only goes up to 10. Is the speed just different on each client or is it the same?
  2. R

    Better Render Visuals, AntiBot, & Chams for Vape Lite

    Vape edition: Vape Lite Suggestion Description: There should be better visuals for Vape Lite like V4's, V4's visuals for NameTags, ESP, etc are just objectively better and should be added to Vape Lite, and Anti Bot should be added to Lite (self-explanatory) Also Chams just look better than ESP...
  3. R

    Opinion on these settings? (Hypixel)

    Autoclicker | 11.5 - 14.0 (Extra Randomization Off) Aim Assist | 100 Speed, 0-6 Range, and Max Angle of 85 (I have 25% sens in-game) Reach | 3.0 - 3.1 (Vertical Check on) Fast Place | 2 Scaffold | 132-178 Not using anything aside from visuals Let me know if anything here is fucked, cant afford...