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  1. DeathMotion

    Hypixel Main Settings (100ms Latency)

    Hello there, I know this is thread number thousand which is asking if their Hypixel config is safe, but I've read most of the threads and found many controversial statements about backtrack + fake lag compared to reach on Hypixel. Many are stating that backtrack + fake lag looks quite blatant...
  2. DeathMotion

    Problems injecting vape lite into Lunar.

    Hi, Does anybody else got problems inecting? And yes I know its not a supported client.
  3. DeathMotion

    Lunar Client crash with vape lite

    Hey, Am I the only one with problems injecting vape lite into lunar sometimes? Sometimes it works and sometimes the injector gets frozen. Then when it's injected it goes well, but after a while or when you die Lunar crashes.