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  1. L

    Minemen Vape V4

    Could I use autoclicker for refill?
  2. L

    Minemen Vape V4

    Any undetectable autoclicker, throwpot, and refill settings for minemen with Vape V4?
  3. L

    1.16 problems

    I've been trying to inject vape v4 into the latest version but cannot despite trying both forge and badlion.
  4. L autoclicker bypass

    What about for Vape V4?
  5. L

    Super legit soup settings?

    Are there any settings that can be used for souppvp that grant a relatively substantial advantage but would remain undetected by most anticheats and limit most chances of being banned, preferably something containing refill, throwpot configured for soup, reach, autoclicker, aim assist, and velocity?
  6. L

    Any good settings for MunchyMC or soup kitpvp in general?

    It's called Ares but I'm not entirely sure how good it is, I used a macro to aid my cps for a while and would click up to 18, took them a couple months to finally ban me and it wasn't the anti-cheats doing.
  7. L

    Any good settings for MunchyMC or soup kitpvp in general?

    I would assume that MunchyMC doesn't have the best anti cheat but in any case, does anybody have any good closet settings I could use for soup based kitpvp? Edit: Im referring to Vape V4 not Vape Lite, avg 70 ping