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  1. Vertritex

    Why Drip Drip X Drip Lite is trash

    OK listen drip is trash i code myself so i coded an anitcheat with reach and velocity listeners so me and my friend who is also a coder we bought drip and its fucking trash my friend used 4 blocks of reach and got banned in 5 minutes (im not a god coder im decent) we get on vape use 4 blocks of...
  2. Vertritex


    Today im going to tell you the story when I got a virus on me pc with cracked vape. One day in 2018 i wanted Vape v3 so i looked for the free one and there was cracked vape so i downloaded the .zip file and extracted it and there was a file named shell.exe so i thought that was the vape...
  3. Vertritex

    Customize Text gui

    So Im going to put this straight foward vape should add a thing where you could edit the text in vape v4.Example (Im doing this on my phone so I cant get a screenshot) Vape V4-you could change it to "Lunar client" Autoclicker- You can change it to lets say "To hard to click" Reach-you could...
  4. Vertritex

    Bypass or

    Aimassist:10 Hspeed 220 degrees 3.5 range Reach:3.0-3.2 Autoclicker:19-20 cps but don't hold down the button you"ll get banned normal click to generate double clicks so if you get banned you can make the excuse of double clicking. Velocity:90 Horizontal 100% Vertical 97.5 percent chance
  5. Vertritex

    Why I Don't recommend using the blatant features

    Disclaimer:ESP and nametag or other cheats like that are undetectable. #1:You will be easily banned.Lets say on trash servers like or have terrible anticheats but they can detect you using bhop or anything blatant I know sometime you're cheating for weeks on the...
  6. Vertritex

    My best settings for any Bedwars server.

    Reach:3.0-3.3/.5 Aimassist:360 degree,Check Block Break,Strafe Increase.Horizontal speed 10,max range 3.8 Autoclicker:19.9-20 don't hold down the button normal click,jitter,drag or butterfly click to not get anticheated. Velocity:When on bridge 20% normal fighting 40% ESP:on Scaffold/Safe...
  7. Vertritex

    u can inject vape v4 into labymod

    u can inject vape into labymod but u have to install labymod with forge. Prooof
  8. Vertritex

    What is HWID

    I was wondering what is the HWID thing I'm a little confused I only got vape like a month ago I'm new to everything LOL
  9. Vertritex

    Is there a vape v1

    is there a vape v1 i see there is v2 v3 v4 but no vape v1 is the lite version the v1 or is it something else
  10. Vertritex

    all vape versions

    So lets say your using vape v3.28 is there a option for me to use like vape v3.26/27