Recent content by Sky_DN

  1. Sky_DN


  2. Sky_DN

    Minecraft crashed while vapelite load at 6

    Topic Minecraft crashed with almost any version of forge ,but vanilla version sometimes work successfully
  3. Sky_DN

    velocity librecraft

    yeah,but i suggest you should not to cheat obviously or you will got stuff ban
  4. Sky_DN

    Error while loading

    Even occurs with using VPN
  5. Sky_DN

    Error while loading

    Unable to connect to sever TLS handshake timed out If you can not resolve this issue please contact support. I come from china but it fails to load at some time ,Sometimes it will load successfully
  6. Sky_DN

    velocity librecraft

    you will 100% got banned when you change vertical kb ,never change that
  7. Sky_DN

    Does the vape lite old versions are still supported? does't works
  8. Sky_DN

    Does the vape lite old versions are still supported?

    And how can i find old versions of vape lite?
  9. Sky_DN

    Will I get banned for these settings on Hypixel?

    velo's "v"must be 100%, or it will be not safe reach is safe , you cant attack players over 4.5 blocks because nocheatplus hitbox and keepspirit is blatant scaffold is safe
  10. Sky_DN

    Why all my profiles just disapeared suddenly?

  11. Sky_DN

    Why my vapelite could be detectabled by wangyi minecraft?

    Wangyi(Chinese) Minecraft