Recent content by reohn

  1. reohn

    Hello Great America People!

    I am play Hypixel From Residental IP in Great China! (LONG LIVE CPP!) I am ban?
  2. reohn

    For those who can't inject new vape (v4/lite) into lunar or any other 3rd party client

    redownload vape lite and dont rename the file redownload vape lite and dont rename the file
  3. reohn

    For those who can't inject new vape (v4/lite) into lunar or any other 3rd party client

    literally when you download it don't rename the file at all if you already did just redownload it other things you can do run in admin play legit edit you could also try restarting your computer but for me that worked
  4. reohn

    Vape v4 or Lite is compatible with CM ?

    lite probably will
  5. reohn

    could you take on manthe irl mma?

    Personally I probably wouldn't be able to given my current situation but wanted to hear your guys thoughts
  6. reohn

    vypr vpn accounts free (giveaway) (hot milfs) (free) (no ads!) (undetected)

    I completely forgot about this thread check conversations lol
  7. reohn

    Settings that won’t get me watchdog banned

    Bedwars Don’t care about atlas I have a really big penis Semi blatant pls
  8. reohn

    Best vpn for hacking in the craft?

    This goes for both legit and blatant like the best overall
  9. reohn


    no way
  10. reohn

    speed setting for hypixel?

    title x3
  11. reohn

    vypr vpn accounts free (giveaway) (hot milfs) (free) (no ads!) (undetected)

    just like comment how much you LOVE the server hypixel and everything thats so perfect about it and really dick ride simon to high hell and then after poll closes check messages
  12. reohn

    backtrack and fake latency

    I use private closet cheat called lmaobox and its very undetected and has fake latency and backtrack for those who dont know what it is theres an in depth explanation here a genuine suggestion is to add vape lite nametags to v4 becausee holyy shit they look nice
  13. reohn

    I have bought vape v4...

    hypixel doesnt wanna detect reach so they just limit reach and your lag probably isn't helping either for your screen but its actually good for reach to have high ping some good setting for european players in general is just but your reach to anything between the two...