Recent content by OP_PORCUPINE_XD

  1. O

    Best settings for legit (no auto click)

    No, not really. I more want to be able to have click sounds in my recordings so they seem more legit. Do you know any good programs which may be able to play click sounds in the background?
  2. O

    Best settings for legit (no auto click)

    What would the best settings be if I am playing legit? Is it possible to use aim assist without auto clicker effectively?
  3. O

    Keybinds - Not Working [V3]

    That’s sounds like a great idea, I could make it like 3 different random keys I never press. Thanks ryan
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    Keybinds - Not Working [V3]

    It used to work. The entire point was whilst live-streaming so it would be impossible to accidentally open vape. I used to be able to do it, before the Feb 6th update, or whenever it was.
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    Keybinds - Not Working [V3]

    So basically, on V3 I was trying to set keybinds for the gui. When I made it unbound when I clicked R Shift it still toggled. I tried it several times, uninstalled and reinstalles several times, but it still doesn’t work. Please help lol Thanks in advance
  6. O

    Macros, refill, and module list don't work [Vape v3]

    I’ve bound gui to unbound but it still works with RShift, is this happening for everyone? Thanks manthe
  7. O

    How do I remove these strings

    Just always go onto Vape with incognito on, it works a charm every time
  8. O

    Have the friends list per profile

    Would love to see this, I play with different people on different servers.
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    Inventory Cleaner

    What’s next, a client that literally fucking breathes for you? I get pvp mechanics, but you can’t even throw stuff out of your hotbar? Dang.
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    Vape For Mac

    Who plays Minecraft pvp while travelling?
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    Change button to open menu

    WHAT!?!! How please? Do you LShift click it on the menu? Like you do for anything else? If so thanks, I never knew <3
  12. O

    Change button to open menu

    right now, you have to use RShift to open the menu, it would be great if we could change this to something I would never click/even turn off opening the menu until you restart your mc. This would be great for streaming
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    Hey can you send a link to your channel so I can see what you mean? Thanks
  14. O

    Clients that can Bypass (SS)

    Yeah unless the ss’er is good or unless you didn’t self destruct properly
  15. O

    Fix Blockhit for Auto clicker on Vape v2 and put it in v3

    Damn can’t even right-click. I know you bought vape, but at lease give your hand some exercise?