Recent content by Nrd_

  1. Nrd_

    Vape won't start with a modded 1.7.10 server with launcher (paladium V8)

    do you know if i can force it to launch with forge instead of start with this 1.7.10 Version ?
  2. Nrd_

    Vape won't start with a modded 1.7.10 server with launcher (paladium V8)

    u see the version is not a forge version i don't understand how it start with mods
  3. Nrd_

    Vape won't start with a modded 1.7.10 server with launcher (paladium V8)

    but on the V7.5 last year it work perfectly idk what change
  4. Nrd_

    Vape won't start with a modded 1.7.10 server with launcher (paladium V8)

    I try to find a way to run vape on this server but i can't if someone is able to help me.
  5. Nrd_

    Vape is detecting by Easy anti cheat ?

    Ok thx you all bro ^^
  6. Nrd_

    Vape is detecting by Easy anti cheat ?

    No he don't have rust on the other session
  7. Nrd_

    Vape is detecting by Easy anti cheat ?

    Do you realize EAC Detect ALL CHEAT ENGINE ON THE PC not exclusively for fortnite I got ban of rust when my little brother was cheating on another user of the PC (On Call of duty)
  8. Nrd_

    Vape is detecting by Easy anti cheat ?

    Ok Are u Sure ? I don't want to loose my fortnite account (500$) -_-'
  9. Nrd_

    Vape is detecting by Easy anti cheat ?

    So Eac can detect vape if i inject him on Mc ?
  10. Nrd_

    Vape is detecting by Easy anti cheat ?

    EAC (easy anti cheat) detect cheat and injection on the PC user on de hard disc and not on the game BattleEye detect cheat in game
  11. Nrd_

    Vape is detecting by Easy anti cheat ?

    If we use Vape can we be ban fortnite ? Is the question who I have no answer. Help ?
  12. Nrd_

    Je n'arrive pas à lancer vape (incompatible forge version , if you can't resolve this issue...)

    @rofl merci je test avec 1.12.2 tout de suite J'espère que cela fonctionnera