Recent content by KekaGenkai

  1. KekaGenkai

    Max Recording Reach?

    probably 3.2 to 3.4 thats what i recommend anyway
  2. KekaGenkai

    jitter click sound

    lmao just stop and use indigo client cracked its a external autoclicker with sounds and u can toggle it off and on and the cps limit is 20
  3. KekaGenkai

    what does his reach look like

    in this video at 4:06 to 4:12 when hes killing that guy with the ice cream skin what does his reach look like to u? (aslo 6:39 to 6:45) u can also get more examples by watching the whole video but for now i just want to know
  4. KekaGenkai

    Verzide strafe/ strafe Speed?

    why even use vape? just get out of here u irrelevant peace of fuck
  5. KekaGenkai

    Hypixel UHC Settings

    can i get some good hypixel uhc settings to atleast get me 8 stars
  6. KekaGenkai

    RKY Settings or Ranked Skywars settings

    Yo I need to know if i can adjust my settings so i can pvp like rky (maybe similar settings or not) but all in all i need vape v3 settings that arent low but arent high. anything under 5.0 and higher than 3.4. I really dont care if its blatant or not since every one is using vape who got high...
  7. KekaGenkai

    Vape For Mac

    I tried it still got shit fps
  8. KekaGenkai

    Vape For Mac

    U should not be talking
  9. KekaGenkai

    Vape For Mac

    Not gonna lie I would do that but a cheap windows laptop wouldn’t get me the frames I get on a MacBook. Don’t want this to turn into a war but let’s just make this clear and simple Why can’t yall make a vape version for Mac obviously y’all would make more money off of it and that would be great...
  10. KekaGenkai

    Autoclicker for Knockback Stick

    @Marcih I heard that all your friends are dead?
  11. KekaGenkai

    Add "DoubleClick" to Vape V3

    Ur a ducking idiot
  12. KekaGenkai

    [Vape V3] Auto-armor

    Dude no Vape v3 is supposed to be more undetectable than v2 that’s why they removed some modules if u want auto armor use v2
  13. KekaGenkai

    Vape For Mac

    Yer waz good vape community I was wondering if y’all could add vape for Mac I know some of y’all probably like nah nig get the fuck outta here but if Make vape for Mac y’all would make more profit cause all em Mac users will buy em also the reason why I want vape for Mac is because I own vape...