Recent content by Blirtz

  1. Blirtz

    Adding Lunar Client

    IceTea got ratted and data rekt so yeah...
  2. Blirtz

    Ghost Client

    I mean for ac on lunar uh mantheclicker and some other clickers work also koid free works but you will get banned for ac off tap client is pretty good and some other ones I forgot
  3. Blirtz

    Lunar client ac on bypass

    Nah its easier to not use hands hands is bad client
  4. Blirtz

    Lunar client ac on bypass

    Yes I was asking for best lunar ac on bypass
  5. Blirtz

    Vape lite Mantheclicker

    Vape lite no does not bypass or even inject into lunar ac on but manthe clicker bypasses lunar client ac on but its luck on if your banned in a banwave or not while using mantheclicker
  6. Blirtz

    Lunar client ac on bypass

    It bypasses lunar anticheat on?
  7. Blirtz

    Lunar client ac on bypass

    What is the best client that bypasses lunar ac on [any amount of money]
  8. Blirtz


    Hi how is everyones day
  9. Blirtz

    AutoClicker 20 cps

    also wrong spot to post bugs?
  10. Blirtz

    AutoClicker 20 cps

    On what server and also 19.9 to 20 is very high and not much of a cps difference I use 10.5 to 16 on hypixel
  11. Blirtz

    Freecam bannable by watchdog?

    Nah you should be fine